How Tenali Rama Finds funny ways to manage problems

Tenali  Rama who was a great Literature and funny man who manages to find Problems and Solve very carefully where no one can take his place 

Tenali rama
          Funny Tenali Rama

Once in there was great literature who is so talented, where there was on this kingdom how can face him and this knowledge. always that the problem the great people who get everything but they lose their innocence and gets into ego and self-respect also  {ghamand } Head weight .......

When he enters the king's place where all this ministers and kingsmen discuss on their kingdom the great literature enter and start his speech and tell everyone that '' is there anyone in this kings place who can answer my question and solve my problem''. The king has a rule where any sadhu, literature enter his place he will respect them, and also follow them.

There the problem comes, the sadhu’s problem asked in kings place where everyone try to solve the problem . ”the question was Kunti sutho ravana kumbha karna “  but the problem was not been answered by any of them are great Tenali comes into the picture .

Tenali Raman says to him that is this the question where I need to answer, No No No …! It can also be answered by our village children, what sort of question you are asking it’s the all might it king where you do have a question if you solve it we will give you  the half of the kingdom and the sadhu got greedy and thought that there is nothing left in the world to learn and I can answer anything and I know everything.

Haaaa ….. but our sadhu was not aware of out Tenali knowledge and got into in trape and said that ok ask me what is the problem that I need to solve.

The problem was from the oldest  ‘’lipi  or book called “Thilakasta maheshabandhana” by the word of the oldest book the sadhu got shocked and said OMG I have never heard of this book and I am so sorry that I came to a conclusion, that there is no books that I have not read and here is no knowledge that I know.

Now I realized that there is always a person how tells that there are some of the people who can take anyone’s place, then the sadhu tells that I will be a slave for your kingdom but the king was great followers of the sadhu so tell in that you will be given all respect from our side and sent to your place.

After all, this done the king comes to Tenali and ask him what is the answer or that problem that you asked him and more over you have said even that even our village children can solve this problem .so tell me what is the answer to that.      

So the Tenali conclude the Problem that the answer “ It is the top that I used to tie my buffalo my wife asked me to bring from the market I have to go home soon, I don’t know that buffalo will run away. please my load allows me to go.

Haaaahaaaaaaa……………………….the king lol and says that you are a germ of person and no one will win you.

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